velvetpill's avatar


Kelsey Emery
3 Watchers26 Deviations


Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
My Bio
Current Residence: Rockford, IL
Favourite genre of music: Industrial
Favourite cartoon character: Meatwad

Favourite Movies
Anything gorey.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Perhaps...Front Line Assembly.
Favourite Writers
Poppy Z. Brite
Other Interests
Horror Movies, Art, Industrial.


0 min read
I haven't been doing many deviations lately, I guess it's all for the better? I've been waiting to get a digi..but I haven't the money. I've been meaning to join the Horde.  I've been busy with school and work lately..because in order to get my license I have to get my grades I've actually been tending to my homework. Well, not much else to say. Good bye.
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0 min read
I've been sick for the past few days and I think I know why but I'd rather not say. Bad bad badddd cold. Lots of coughing and snot. I stayed home from school Monday and today...and yesterday I came home at lunch. These are the kind of days you are thankful for a healthy body....I don't even want to know what it's like for people that are permently sick...that would be a terrible experience. My love goes out to all that have a sickness of such....
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0 min read
I've been sick for the past few days and I think I know why but I'd rather not say. Bad bad badddd cold. Lots of coughing and snot. I stayed home from school Monday and today...and yesterday I came home at lunch. These are the kind of days you are thankful for a healthy body....I don't even want to know what it's like for people that are permently sick...that would be a terrible experience. My love goes out to all that have a sickness of such....
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Profile Comments 4

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-- An ~Anti-Spammer public service announcement! --

Here's a useful tip for our future members:

-- An ~Anti-Spammer production -- come join us! --

This account has been created to track the growing number of spammers that are on dA. These spammers are not only harrasing deviants with spam but also defacing other innocent and unwary deviants by using names that are similar or linking to peoples pages.

It's shocking - but true!

I will be listing know spammers in the attached journal so please check often.

Some of these spammers even post such disgusting things as:

 /     \             \            /    \       
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      / /\|   C_____)       |  (___>  /  \  
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                       (    }

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      %\%, %%\

-- An ~Anti-Spammer production -- come join us! --

-- An ~Anti-Spammer public service announcement! --


-- An ~Anti-Spammer public service announcement! --

Here's a useful tip for our future members:

-- An ~Anti-Spammer production -- come join us! --

This account has been created to track the growing number of spammers that are on dA. These spammers are not only harrasing deviants with spam but also defacing other innocent and unwary deviants by using names that are similar or linking to peoples pages.

It's shocking - but true!

I will be listing know spammers in the attached journal so please check often.

Some of these spammers even post such disgusting things as:

 /     \             \            /    \       
|       |             \          |      |      
|        .             |         |       :     
|        |             |        \|       |     
 \       | /        /  \\\   --__ \\        :   
  \      \/   _--~~          ~--__| \      |   
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       /\ |   C ____)/      \ (_____> |_/   
      / /\|   C_____)       |  (___>  /  \  
     |   (   _C_____)\______/  // _/  /     \
     |    \  |__   \\_________// (___/       |    
    | \    \____)    ----   --'              |
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                       (    }

    _,-'     \//%\
 _,-'        \%/|%
/ / )    __,-- /%\
\__/_,-'%(%   ; %)%
      %\%, %%\

-- An ~Anti-Spammer production -- come join us! --

-- An ~Anti-Spammer public service announcement! --

Have you ever had a dream, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire deviant life, that there's something wrong with the story. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.

You take the blue pill, the story ends. Your browser closes and you believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland. And, I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

I offer only the truth, nothing more.

Take: The Red Pill
Take: The Blue Pill

Fella Point Right spyed, nobody has ever done this before.
Ninja Point Right I know. That's why it's going to work.

Do not try and bend the spoon ...
hey, I think that you should have a ton of comments filling up this page..... so I'll come back every three days with all my friends and we'll fill it up!......
Thank you so much for adding my painting to your FAV list....It really does mean alot to know people like what you do , So thank you again :) (Smile)